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Experts are everything. Wake RSDM - it is an opportunity to get the right people for the FMCG market is real, quickly and with a minimum of effort.
We offer a real and qualified personnel in all regions, with experience not less than 5 years in various areas of FMCG business. All of them are contract specialists already working effectively in the market and are involved in strictly for a certain period, with a clearly defined list of required tasks. Begging on the existing list with all the requirements of the customer - the region 's profile and experience, payment.

The benefits of these professionals:
- Know the specific area (demographics, demand - supply)
- Distributors, major operators (networks, distribution centers and markets)
- Have contacts CEOs and ready to communicate with them
- Focus in the specifics of a particular market by product groups
- Know the competitive environment
- Know the solvency of counterparties

Use the opportunity to increase the efficiency of the company at the stage of development of strategy conquest of a new market through:
- Consulting advice
- Market research and competitive environment
- The study of price policy on the market and the region.

With us, the customer increases business efficiency and poluchetsya additional profit with less cost and time involved. Services focused primarily on solving tactical problems.

First of all service personnel RSDM aimed at expanding the markets for your company (new distribution channels, the territory of the country).

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